26 Webs para editar Fotos.

Listado de 26 servicios Web desde el que podréis toquetear vuestras fotos de forma gratuita.

  1. Cellsea
  2. Clarkii
  3. Drpic
  4. EasyCropper
  5. FaceBomb
  6. FlauntR
  7. FotoFlexer
  8. Improve Your Images
  9. LunaPic
  10. Online Image Editor
  11. Phixr
  12. Phoenix – Aviary
  13. Pho.to
  14. Photo505
  15. Photoshop Express
  16. Picnik
  17. PicResize
  18. PicTreat
  19. Picture2Life
  20. Pixenate
  21. Pixer.Us
  22. Pixlr
  23. Preloadr
  24. Resizr
  25. Snipshot
  26. Splashup

2 comentarios en “26 Webs para editar Fotos.”

  1. Good day,

    I was digging around for information on your website today and came across this page.

    This is a fantastic list of resources. I didn’t even know about some of them.

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    It might make a great addition to your page.

    Either way, keep up the great work! Thanks for your time.

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